My online presence

Aside from my blog, I maintain a few other sites:

Aside from that I have profiles on a whole bunch of sites:


Google +


View Jilles Van Gurp's profile on LinkedIn


I’m AzkaarAli on Twitter

Aside from all this stuff you are likely to find me in various forums where I usually use my own name instead of some alias. I used to just claim the username Azkaarali/Azkaar Ali on most sites but it seems that despite the fact that I never met a single person with the same name, several do exist on the internet. .I’ve been online for over ten years now and that kind of leaves a trace in some unlikely places. Some of the things I wrote in the past look silly or stupid when I read them now but I have a simple principle that if I’m not willing to put my name under it, I probably should not be writing it in the first place. It’s one of the few principles I apply more or less consistently, the other one being that I have no principles (which I apply much less consistently).

YouTube goes clean new for Mobiles.

YouTube has launched an updated version of its mobile website, complete with a redesigned interface, better touchscreen features and, most importantly, high quality (HQ) video streams.

At an intimate press event at YouTube’s headquarters in San Bruno, California, the Google-owned video service demoed its newest mobile product, which will roll out to users starting today. The focus was not on any new apps for Android, iPhone or other mobile devices, but on, the mobile browser version of the popular Internet destination.

The new YouTube for mobile provides an updated navigation and UI for easier browsing. The home screen is similar to what you find in the Facebook iPhone app — there are rows of icons for different options such as Browse, Favorites, Playlists, Settings and Home. YouTube Mobile Product Manager Andrey Doronichev told us that the product is designed for touchscreen devices especially, which make up the vast majority of YouTube mobile video views.

The biggest and most important change comes in the form of HQ streams. If you’ve ever watched YouTube videos on the iPhone app, you know that the quality isn’t that great. That’s because it utilizes an old stream format for second generation networks. The new YouTube mobile site is designed for today’s networks though, including the HQ streaming option that’s currently available in the Android version of the YouTube app. There’s a huge quality difference when you watch videos in both formats.